Sleep Training A Newborn – Happily Sleeping Through The Night At 7 Weeks!

Maybe you’re expecting, or maybe you just welcomed home your bundle of joy. In that case, congratulations Mom and Dad! I’m sure you’ve heard lots of horror stories about months of sleepless nights and you’re probably scared of what’s to come. Let me be a voice of positivity to give you some hope that restful sleep CAN be had by you and the baby in just a matter of weeks. Keep reading for my method to sleep-training a newborn, and your baby (and you) will be happily sleeping through the night in no time!

Okay, now time for a disclaimer… I am NOT a doctor or any type of healthcare professional. I’m just a mom of two who was figuring it out once upon a time just like everyone else. This advice and sleep plan was laid out to me by my children’s pediatrician when my first child was a newborn. It made sense to me, and the transition has felt natural with both of my babies. I am aware that this method goes against some of what you will read elsewhere. But when it comes to the safety and well-being of my babies, please rest assured that it was put first and foremost during this process, and every day since.

Furthermore, I realize this practice isn’t for everyone. There are mamas who co-sleep with their baby all the way through toddlerhood, and that’s so wonderful! There are thousands of amazing ways to go about infant sleep. This is just what I have found to work for my family and I am happy to share it with each of you.

My Testimony

Sleep-training a newborn sounds harsh, and honestly, I never thought of it as that while I was doing it. It didn’t feel like I was training them in any way, and I felt extremely loving and motherly while providing for them at this time. It just so happens that what we did in those first few weeks resulted in a happy baby sleeping soundly through the night, in their own space, at just 7 weeks old.

Not just once, but twice. Maybe it was pure coincidence, but both of my children slept through the night consistently beginning at 7 weeks old, and they continue to be great sleepers even now. They were content, safe, and well-fed. And my husband and I were well-rested while soaking in the newborn baby bliss. Yes, it’s possible, and much easier to get to that point than you may think.

Sleep Training A Newborn

There are two pieces of advice from my children’s pediatrician that have stuck with me over the years, and here I will break them down for you regarding how they helped me as a new mother.

“Once you find out how much your baby wants to eat in 24 hours, you have the magic number. Over the next few weeks, try to get as close to that number between morning and bedtime, and eventually they will no longer need to wake at night to eat.”

When the pediatrician told me this, she also noted that babies can either eat small meals every hour or 2, or you can feed them a larger amount every 3 – 4 hours. If you hold them off closer to the 4 hour mark, they will eat more ounces at that time and then their tummies will be satisfied for longer. This really clicked for me, and it gave me hope that once we got in the routine of eating every 4 hours, only one night feed would be needed. Spoiler alert – she was right! And then soon after that, we were able to drop the night feed all together.

Another thing she told me as a brand new mom that has stuck with me since the beginning is…

“Your baby is playing you.”

I will say that this tidbit of advice came a little later, but it holds true when it comes to sleep-training. Your baby knows that when he or she cries, you are going to come to them, and they love that! As a parent, you will soon cherish that your little angel loves you so deeply, and depends on you so much. However, you can still be loving and attentive without creating unrealistic expectations for your little one.

You should go to your baby and calm them anytime they need you, and you should absolutely build that bond and trust. But you do not have to take them to bed with you, and you do not have to let them take their entire nap on your chest every time. By all means, you can, and I think that’s wonderful if you do want to create that expectation for your baby. However, those are not expectations I wanted to maintain in the long run.

It was important for me to be able to lay my baby down and walk away to get things done while they slept. Please don’t think that this means I was cold or inattentive to my babies, because that has absolutely never been the case. I just realized early on that an independent sleeper and a scheduled eater made the transition into motherhood so much more enjoyable for me, and yes, for my baby.

Sleep Training A Newborn

Settle In With Your Baby

Before you can start sleep-training, you first must be discharged from the hospital with a healthy baby. I would certainly not recommend prioritizing a sleep routine until your baby is of a healthy weight, is feeding well, and is free of any underlying medical conditions that would require a different approach. Once you get settled in at home and have all the right supplies, you can feel free to either dive headfirst into sleep-training from the get-go or ease into it at your own pace.

And remember, don’t be too hard on yourself. No parent knows exactly what they’re doing when they start caring for a baby all on their own for the first time. So much of it comes naturally, but it’s hard not to worry when your baby is different than the “standard newborn” that you read about on the hospital pamphlets they send you home with. And not to mention, everything you read online will contradict itself. I’ll say it 100 times, but all that truly matters is that your baby is safe, loved, and cared for how YOU, the parents, see fit.

Sleep Training A Newborn

Get Organized

To start sleep training, I’d say all you really need is:

  • A way to gauge how many ounces your baby is eating at each feed (pumping or formula feeding)
  • A place to write it all down (I kept record of the time and ounces consumed in the notes on my phone)
  • An established safe sleeping spot for your baby (crib in their room or bassinet in yours)
  • A highly sensitive monitor if the baby is sleeping in his or her own room
  • Lots of patience and consistency

Focus On Feeding

This may seem counterintuitive, but when starting sleep-training, don’t worry at all about sleep. Newborns need so much sleep in those first few weeks, and they’re going to do it when they want to. Don’t try to control this. It wouldn’t be healthy to do so anyway. At this time, make feeding and establishing a schedule your main priority.

My milk supply was low with both of my children, but I did pump for the first couple of months with both of them and I supplemented with formula. Even if you are strictly breast feeding or if your baby is solely formula-fed, I don’t think it will change the outcome. When I tell you the numbers of ounces my babies were eating in the first few weeks, please try not to compare it to your babies. Mine were both very big eaters. I encouraged them to eat as much and as long as they wanted to, knowing that I was going to hold them off for as close to 4 hours as possible for their next feed. If your baby spits up more than what is typical for them, you’ll know you fed them too much. Just alter it accordingly and make sure they’re comfortable.

Amazingly, in the notes on my phone, I still have my son Brock’s feeding log from when he was an infant. It shows the time and the number of ounces he took at each feed. To give you some sort of idea what we were doing early on, it looks like we were aiming for about 2oz every 2-4 hours that first week. By 3 weeks he was taking 4-5oz consistently every 4 hours.

Eliminate The Night Feed

As you can see, the amount a baby is able to eat at a feed will increase gradually over the first couple of weeks. Especially if you are encouraging them to eat large meals with 4 hours between. Just like his sister before him, Brock at 7 weeks, started sleeping through the night while eating about 7oz every 4 hours during the day. Roughly 5, 7oz bottles per day and that did the trick for each of my kids.

There never was a conscious effort to pull away their night feed. There was no strict cry-it-out or withholding their bottle from them. The night feed fell away all on it’s own in a very natural way. Once we were able to feed all the ounces my little ones required between morning and bedtime, there was no need to warm a 3am bottle or breastfeed multiple times through the night.

I found that with both of my children, once they started sleeping through the night, the amount they needed to eat during the day never changed much until they started solids and eventually weaned off the bottle at a year old. Doesn’t that seem crazy? But it’s true. We found the magic number that got them to sleep through the night, and that stayed consistent. At 6 months old we filled that calorie gap with baby food in addition to their bottles. And then at a year old we easily took the bottles away when they were eating full solid meals.

Also, please note that both of my babies were healthy and plump, almost always in the 80th and 90th percentiles, if that helps. Now my son is nearing 2 years old and my daughter is 3. Both of which are healthy, slim, and active.

But what if they wake up for other reasons other than hunger?

Of course your baby will wake at night for other reasons, though it likely won’t be every night like clockwork once you eliminate the need for a night feed. But I can tell you what we did to help alleviate those situations as well!

Some other reasons your baby might wake at night are: a dirty or wet diaper, too hot or cold, teething pain, or they haven’t learned to self-soothe and are just missing Mommy (this is where the baby starts playing you). I’m not a baby guru, but I sure can tell you what worked for me with each of mine.

Night Diaper Changes

You shouldn’t have to change a diaper every night in the middle of your baby’s sleeping hours. However, it will happen. So, let’s pretend it’s 2am and you hear your baby start crying. Go in and do not turn on the lights. Always start with the sniff test. Is it poop? Yep, cool. That’s an easy one. Give her a quick change without talking to her at all. This is not playtime. Lay her back down, kiss her on the head and get the heck outta there.

Not poop? Check to see if she peed through or if the diaper is saturated wet. If it’s pee, change her following the above protocol. If she’s wet through to her bedding, that’s a bummer. Just lay her in a safe spot there in the dark room after you’ve changed her. Hopefully you’ve got a waterproof pad over the crib mattress and a spare one close by. Once the crib is clean and safe for baby once again, pop her back in there and get back to sleep.

Mom Tip – when my babies were between diaper sizes and nighttime diaper-overflows were a regular thing, I would keep 2 waterproof mattress pads on the crib at all time. If one got wet at night, I could just strip it off and the other one was already on there ready to go. So nice for middle of the night accidents!

Mom Tip 2 – when in doubt, size up in diapers… especially for night time. Those suckers need to be capable of holding a lot of pee once your baby starts sleeping through the night!

Not Too Hot And Not Too Cold

I was a big fan of Halo sleep sacks when both of my kids were infants. We had the fleece ones and the cotton ones, and used both no matter the season. My rule of thumb was if the baby was dressed in short sleeves or onesie with no pants, the fleece sack was a must. In a long sleeve standard sleeper, the cotton sleep sack was ideal. I never let my baby sleep in fleece jammies with a sleep sack. You’re just asking for a sweaty, aggravated baby in the middle of the night if you do. Unless you keep your house like the Arctic. Then fleece on fleece all the way for that poor babe!

Heidi and Brock both slept with their arms tucked in tightly (and I mean TIGHT!) to the sleep sack before they were able to roll over. Once you have a rolly-polly baby, arms out for sure! Better to be safe than sorry.

Teething Is No Joke

When those teeth start working their way through the gums, it sometimes feels like you’re starting over with sleep training. We used infant tylenol with our babies, but the teething gel (one that does not contain benzocaine) works well too. When your little one cries out, and you’re sure it’s teething pain, give her some relief, whatever you choose. But my advice here is just to not pick up your baby.

I liked to soothe my babies by rubbing them gently as they laid in the crib. Some humming and shushing is great too. Sometimes just putting a hand on them would calm them down enough for me to back out of the room while they drifted back to sleep. If you pick up your baby at night for any reason other than a feeding or a diaper change, it can make it more difficult for them to learn to self soothe.

The Importance Of Self Soothing

A baby that doesn’t know how to self soothe is a baby that will keep you very unnecessarily busy all. the. time. But keep in mind, self soothing is not something I started working on when my baby was a newborn. The focus of those first 7 weeks was to establish a feeding schedule with long intervals between, and to not create any expectations for your baby that would interfere with him or her sleeping on her own.

Hopefully at the end of that 7 weeks, you and your baby are getting a full night’s rest more often than not. But the key to maintaining the great sleep, even through teething and all the changes that your baby will go through that first year, is to teach self soothing. In those early weeks, you showed them that you will always come to their side when they need you, and that everything is always okay. That trust is so important! You have calmed them in the night and made them comfortable, using picking them up as your last resort. There’s the groundwork that is going to make this so easy.

Teaching To Self Soothe

So this is definitely not by the book… honestly I don’t guess there is any “book” due to the fact every piece of literature about raising a baby differs from the next. Anyhow, when I started working with my baby on self-soothing, I began with the bedtime routine. Bath, jammies, sleep sack, lights out. Once I darkened the room, I would rock my baby while feeding the last ounces of milk for the day. When the baby became uninterested in drinking any more, I would immediately move him or her to the crib. I’d gently lay them down while they were still awake/almost asleep. Then I’d walk out of the room once I felt they were calm enough to go to drift off on their own.

If they cried, I would go back in after a minute or two. Lay a hand on them, gently rub their tummy, hum, shush… anything to get them calm without picking them up. Once calm, I’d quietly sneak back out of the room, and repeat in about 5 minutes if they cry out again. Gradually increase the length of time between revisiting them, and avoid picking them up unless they need a diaper change. Use your best judgement as a parent here, and obviously don’t leave them for too long if they’re crying excessively.

Sleep Training A Newborn

I have found that it takes about 4 nights to teach a baby to self-soothe if you are consistent. You will probably spend a lot time awake during those 4 nights, and I promise you it will be hard and painful for you as a mother to let your baby cry for longer increments of time. I definitely cried during those nights too. But then all of a sudden one night you’ll lay your baby down, kiss them on the head, walk out, and you won’t hear them cry. You’ll check the monitor and see them dreaming, or happily playing with their toes in the crib. You’ll be sad thinking they don’t need you, but yes mama, they do.

I never followed a strict cry-it-out method because I wanted my baby to trust that I would always come back. However, it’s important to understand that if you return to their side too soon, you are robbing them of the opportunity to try to soothe themselves back to sleep. Give them a chance to figure it out, and quickly they will. Learning to self soothe is a skill that will give your baby independence and confidence, and it will give you a much needed break. It’s a big milestone, but it’s fantastic for your baby… and for your sanity if we’re being honest.

You Can Do It!

Best of luck to all of you sleep-deprived parents out there. And congratulations to all the new moms and dads! Those first nights are long, but the months and years pass so quickly. Cherish every moment with your little one, and snuggle them close. Whether or not you’ll be sleep training your newborn, or if you think it’s a bunch of bologna, please love that baby hard and never second-guess yourself. You’re doing amazing!

The Inspiration For This Post

So, now for a little life update. You may be wondering where in the world I got the inspiration to dive back into sleep training now that my kids are 3 and almost 2 (way past the age of sleep training). Well, we got a puppy! Trust me, sleep training a puppy is a totally different ballgame, but I felt inspired nonetheless.

My readers know that we lost our beloved dog, Lucy, back in September, and a house just doesn’t feel like a home without a dog. We still miss our sweet Lucy terribly, and we still talk about her with the kids from time to time. However, it was definitely time to open our hearts to another. Everyone, meet our newest addition to the Stoermer fam… our 9 week old Border Collie, Fancy. Yes, like the Reba McEntire song.

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